Spencer James
I am currently a senior at Miami Palmetto High School and invented the G-Shirt when I was in fourth grade as a science project. My cousin Jamie has a metabolic disorder called Glycogen Storage Disease, and he required a feeding tube to be fed every 2-3 hours around the clock. I was motivated to create this device to make his life and his parents' lives easier. The G-Shirt would allow his feeding tube to be more easily accessible, especially in the middle of the night so he wouldn't be woken up when he needed to be fed.
Background Information
Parents Recommend the G-Shirt
Leisha H.
"So many kids could really benefit from this. What a thoughtful idea."
Mary W.
" I would have loved something like that when [my son] had his mediport in and was wearing a one piece shirt. Great idea!"
David L.
"This is fantastic - as a ped surgeon who is always trying to get to kids' g-tubes I say patent this while you still can!"